Azure Function for Dynamics 365 CRM: Part 3 [Website Contact Us Integration]
In the previous blog, we have learned how to create an Azure function that connects to Dynamics 365 and deploy it to the cloud. Today, we are going to create Azure Function for Website Contact us form and the following is the use case:
When the user submits the Contact us of your Website with the details i.e. First Name, Last Name, Company name, Email Address, Case name & Case Description. Account, Contact, and Case entity records will be created in Dynamics 365 CRM.
In this way, you can integrate your Website Contact us form with Dynamics 365 for Case creation using Azure Function.
Step 1: Create an Azure Function to Create a record Account, Contact, and Case Record in Dynamics 365 CRM
First, we will create a Function App Project in visual studio, and the following is a reference blog link for the same:
Let’s consider, the following is payload data that will be posted from the Contact Us to Azure Function.